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Hello gentle Soul,

Welcome to my little corner on the web. 

My name is An-Sofie, and I am the person behind 'tisjust'. 

So... how did it all start?



As a child of divorced parents, and seeing quite some conflict in my childhood upbringing, I never felt I truly belonged in this world. I learned that I 'had to earn my right to existence' by working really hard, proving my worth. I felt guilty doing something for myself, if I not first did something for someone else (job, boyfriend, family or friends).

"I am not (doing/being/performing/giving/..) enough" was what was constantly going through my mind. It did not help me that one of the grownups I was dependent on back then, used to put me in front of a mirror during my upbringing, asking me to point out everything that was 'wrong' with me out loud. (Yes, I know, ... not the ideal way of conditioning a child into becoming a strong, healthy adult).

Over time, this brought me to severe burnout/depression, flirting with the idea of ending this life (so I could no longer be a 'burden' to anyone with my deep feelings of loneliness)... adding to even more guilt and shame. Feeling how people pulled away from me when I dared opening up about it.

This eventually brought me on a beautiful journey of self-exploration, studying RTT (hypnotherapy) with Marissa Peer herself, learning about rewiring your brain with the Yessupply Method academy, becoming a licensed (hypno)therapist, avidly learning about new ways of thinking and communicating and embodying a new reality that feels exapnsive (instead of contractive). Reading loads of books, listening to podcasts, non-stop re-educating and re-parenting myself along the way, and trying everything I learned in my everyday life, to see and test what worked and what did not.

This brought me back to the essence of being alive: Authentic Self Love.

Everything we do and say is a direct translation of how we feel in our own skin, of our
consciousness. I learned that if you love yourself 100%, just as you are, and take 100% responsability for your own well-being, you truly wat to share this feeling with everybody around you! You become aware of the inter-connectivity of all that is. And by being aware of this interconnectivity, you become even more aware of your own impact in this world through your energy, actions and words. Both on yourself as on the world around you. 

You always have a choice! 

Just like the saying goes that "hurt people hurt people", the exact opposite is even more true:

"Healed people heal people!"

Once you become conscious of this impact of everyday choices, you can start making conscious decisions about your health, wealth and impact on your life ànd this world around you. 

Our choices and degree of self love matter.   

I love sharing my passion, knowledge and experiences with YOU, so you too can start embodying your most loving, authentic and empowered Self, and live an impactful life.

If you could use some support in your journey, I can definitely recommend the Empower Yourself course. This course is the 5-step framework I developed for myself, to use anytime I go through a transition in life or when I just tend to feel 'lost'. It helps me and my clients re-connect to that core essence Self that feels like pure Love. This course is jam-packed with very concrete, to-the-point tools on how to re-connect with who you truly are, and how to embody this next level version of yourself in everyday life. (It's the concrete answer to all the questions you have when someone tells you to 'just be yourself!')

If you feel hungry to dive deeper, and truly embody the safe space your crave in your thinking: I can definitely recommend the Loving Communication program. In this program, accessible all year (including one guided cohort series), my clients and I dive deeper in how to communicate with themselves ànd with others in a completely NEW way, that goes BEYOND judgements. Making hurtful judgements completely obsolete. My clients tend to love this program, because it truly goes to the essence of what makes us feel seen, heard and acknowledged as Human Beings: Authentic Connection. And we cannot cultivate a deeper and more sustainable connection with others, if we are not first able to connect with OURSELVES in a way that feels safe and nourishing first. It is always a mirror: inner >< outer world. In this course I share my top insights on how to feel and express what it truly alive in you in a way that others love listening to you, and you learn how to listen in a way that not only makes the other feel really safe and heard, but also feels nourishing and empowering to yourself (no matter how the other person might be communicating with you). This course is all about taking back your Authentic Power, and connect from your Sssence Self with that of all you encounter in your every day life. 

If you feel you keep getting blocked in one certain area of life, like hitting an invisible wall, I can definitely recommend RTT/hypnotherapy. In these deep-dive sessions of 2h30, we allow your subconscious mind to speak up, and let us know where the root cause is, so we can adapt and replace it by a new programming that actually supports you in a way that feels uplifting (iso keeping you stuck). Our mind is like a computer; it needs regular software updates or it will get stuck at a certain moment. Funny thing is we tend to update the apps on our smartphones and computers, but rarely take the time and invest in updating our most important computer: our mind. And as the body and mind are deeply interconnected: it is rather easy to work on pains and ailments using this technique in a non-invasive way. So if this is something that calls you: you can always book a 1-1 session with me via this link here: book a 1-1 RTT session.

I guess my main goal is to let you know: There is NOTHING wrong with you. You are such an amazing human being. It might have gotten hidden under a few layers of protective coats... but your true essence is still there. And it is eager to come out and play. I just really want to create this Safe Space for you, my beautiful intelligent and highly sensitive clients, to feel supported, seen, acknowledged and celebrated again. 

Feedback is always welcome. I am convinced that we grow fastest, when we grow together. So if you have any questions, remarks or suggestions, please feel free to reach out and send me a message


Also, if this text reminds you of someone who might benefit from it, please do not hold back and share this page with them:

Sharing is caring!


Let's do this! Let's create a life that feels gentle to the heart, connecting to the soul and inspiring and uplifting to every cell of your being!

With great Love,


ps: No need for perfection, we only aim for progress here. In the most loving and sustainable way possible. So... are you in?


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