- 3 tomaten, in blokjes gesneden
- 1 courgette, in blokjes gesneden
- 1 eetlepel appelciderazijn
- 1 tl olijfolie
- 1 snufje himalaya zout
- 1 el italiaanse kruiden (oregano, tijm, basilicum,...)
Meng deze ingrediënten in een kom, en verdeel de inhoud over een ovenschaal. Maak vervolgens de rumble;
- 2 cups Havermout
- 1/2 cup biergistvlokken
- 1 eetlepel italiaanse kruiden
- 1 tl himalaya zout
- 3 eetlepels kokosolie
Masseer deze ingrediënten door elkaar tot je een crumble consistentie krijgt. Verdeel de crumble over de groentjes, en zet 20 à 35 minuutjes in de oven op 180°C. Genieten!

- Zero Waste, Plant Based, Self Love -
immersive course

OMG!!! YAYYYYY! You did it!!!
You're officially taking the steps to take back full ownership over your Life!
Ready for your greatest Love Story yet?
This is a huuuuge step! And I would love to invite you to celebrate it! Put on some music and dance it out! After you got a little sweat, sit down and journal for yourself on these questions:
- What am I hoping to get out of this course?
- How will it transform my Life, if I fall deeply in Love with myself again?
- What am I willing to do to make this a MAJOR success?
And then again: give yourself a MAJOR HUG!
By joining and investing in yourself, your enviroment will directly benefit from the fruits of your labour too. (Especially with this program.) So .... Thank you for taking real steps into creating a more loving world! ❤
Keep an eye on your mailbox. You will soon receive an e-mail with all necessary info on how to log into the learning platform. (Yes, this bit is still done manually by me. ^^) This might take up to 5 workdays MAXIMUM!
Cannot find the e-mail by then? Make sure to check your spam folders. Still nothing? Then please hit us up with a message on tisjust@yahoo.com.
So I can definitely recommend you to start scouting for a beautiful notebook and your favourite pen to embark on this journey. You will be needing both to get the maximum out of this program.
I cannot WAIT to see you on the other side! ^^
Warm hug and see you soon,
ps: Cannot wait to get going? Want to start practicing right away? Good news: you can!
Start writing down every time you get frustrated and/or triggered: what happened, and how did you felt as a result of that event.
The more material you gather, the more you will have to work with during our time together. This way you will have a head start, and get even more out of this course.
Good luck!